The Cairn

Spiritual Accompaniment

in the Christian

Contemplative Tradition

Services offered by Deacon Mark Attwood


Spiritual Direction for me is concerned with the spiritual life, aiming at deepening our awareness of the inner movements of spirit with particular focus on God’s good Holy Spirit & the effect on/in us as personal experience (this is distinct from Pastoral Counselling or Christian Mentoring). When discerning movements of spirit I follow the practice set out in the writings of St Ignatius of Loyola.

As a Spiritual Director I look to form a mutual covenant to accompany an individual Directee in their daily life over a period of months or years (I work on the basis a Directee already has a life of prayer). The accompaniment takes the form of a meeting together (approx 1 hour), in person or online. The Directee brings an account of something from their life of prayer which they feel prompted to look at and we both listen with our hearts to discern movements of spirit (our own spirit, the good Holy Spirit or bad spirit).

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