The Cairn

Spiritual Accompaniment

in the Christian

Contemplative Tradition

Services offered by Deacon Mark Attwood


I regularly Retreat with the simple objective to put myself in an attitude to truly receive God’s loving mercy so that I in turn can advance further in my love & service of God.

I promote retreats that develop quietness, inner stillness, and listening. Using Christian Scripture, there may be a theme or may simply be about knowing Jesus intimately, loving Jesus passionately and a closer following of Jesus. Retreats are usually residential away from home, over a long weekend or a full week. It may be a solo Individual Guided Retreat (see Guided Prayer) or a Group Retreat. 

Comments from people I guided individually in retreat at St Beuno’s 2017, helpful aspects;-

“Direction for the day.”

“Gentle way of introducing to me and helping me with Examen. Also introducing where necessary aids/leaflets to encourage me on the journey.”

“Being able to work creatively and being told this is a way of being with God. So great fun to have that confirmation. Being able to use a children’s bible.”

“Actively listened to me and to God, then allowed just the right amount of interaction between us both and God.”

General comments;-

“I came with no great expectation, but willingness to be open and explore. There have been so many encounters, revelations and experiences of God this week. I will enjoy the months ahead as I unpack, unwrap the “God of surprises”.”

“Through spending time creatively with God I saw things I had not seen before.”

“The week gives a measured time and space to encounter God, allows permission to encounter God. The rhythm has been encouraging and gentle.”

“God has been active in the stillness and there has been an act in the still. Thank you.”

“Absolutely fantastic.”

Comments from a small group retreating in the difficult setting online during CoViD19, I was asked to help with the theme “The practice of prayer”, as they retreated in their own homes;-

“Gave me a new understanding of the need to pray in all circumstances”

“Helped me to be more confident about praying in public”   

“Helped me set aside time for prayer more assiduously”

“Lockdown gave me more time for quiet and reflection”

“Thought more about what to thank God for and what to ask God for”

“Gave me a deeper attitude to prayer”

“Gave a new focus to personal prayer time”

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